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Wednesday, December 3, 2014


The Islamic Religion Claims

by Pastor Jack Captain Sparrow on Saturday, 27 August 2011 at 23:20

THE Islamic religion claims about 1.84 billion adherents in Asia, Africa and Europe, with growing numbers in the Americas. In recent years, Islam (often called Mohammedanism) and the Muslims have increasingly come to the fore, attracting worldwide attention as a result of the wide and sustained media coverage of terrorist acts of Islamic extremists. The continued fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq, the terrorism of 9/11 in the United States, the bombing of the Spanish trains and the London Underground, Iran supporting Hezbollah and Hamas and the developing of nuclear weapons by Iran. All of these events have added to the general uncertainty of the Time of Trouble of this our day. This is due, in part, to the oil-rich Muslim countries exerting their influence on other nations, the Arab-Israeli and Iraq-Iran conflicts, the growing Black Muslim movement in the U.S. and their and Hanafi Muslims’ acts.
Because of this wide publicity, many have inquired about the origin and history of Islam and the Muslims, and of their doctrines and practices, whether or not the Muslims accept the Bible’s Old and New Testament teachings, how their teachings compare with Bible teachings and what are the good points and the weaknesses in Islamic teachings. We therefore present this treatise, hoping it will be informative and helpful to many.
The word Islam means submission and surrender to the will of Allah (Arabic for God). The name Muslim is also spelled Moslem (in some places Mussulman is used). It means literally, one who submits, or surrenders, to the will of Allah. Muslims believe that Mohammed was God’s Prophet. Mohammed (born 570 A.D., died 632) claimed that he received many revelations in Arabic from Allah (God) through the angel Gabriel. These form the Koran, or Quran (meaning recitation, reading), a book divided into 114 chapters, called suras. We will give some references and quotations from the book as we proceed. Having given these few preliminary explanatory remarks, we now proceed to set forth some pre-Islamic Arab history, a biography of Mohammed, an account of his successors and the growth of Islam, its holy writings, schisms and sects, and a comparison of its teachings with the Bible, especially the teachings of Jesus, manifesting the latter’s great superiority.

***These pictures are in my files not from this web site:

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